Little Pockets of Comfort

I spend lot of time shooting and practicing at home. And while being at home, I have some personal favourite corners or things that bring me so much joy just by looking at them. And these are not big expensive pieces of designer furniture. No, it’s little things like the way the sun shines through the window in the morning, or the smell of fresh flowers, or the way Yoshi lays down on the carpet soaking the atmosphere - those things are what I am talking about.
Beside photography, walks, bicycles, cold weather etc. I also absolutely Love when my home is tidy, organized, smells good and its cosy, especially because we spend quite a lot of time at home. Photographing our place is kinda like my dream job. I would love that to be paid for that one day :-p

Looking back at the photographs I have taken, I noticed that I have a lot of shots that capture the things that bring me joy at home.
So below I have slideshow of all my little pockets of comfort that I hope they can bring you some comfort and cosiness looking at them maybe during a rainy and cold day like the weather is right now as Im writing this in Japan.

Sanïa Spiri is a Documentary Photographer based in Hyogo, Japan.
For any inquiries please fill up the contact form here.


Documentary Family Photographer based in Ashiya, Japan.

Autumn Danjiri Festival in Hyogo, Japan


The birds of Mauritius