Japanese Entry-Ways

ongoing project

I can’t quite put into words what fascinates me about Japanese entry-ways or door-ways. They are all so unique and picturesque. Almost every single time I go for a walk, whether that’s around our neighbourhood or visiting a new city around Japan, these entry-ways always catch my eye.
And the thing is, it’s not always somebody’s home, some-times is the entrance of an old Japanese restaurant, or a new one. They always put so much love and thought of how an entrance should look like.
Since I started noticing the beauty of these places on daily basis, I also started carrying my camera with me every time I go out, because you just never know when you are going to spot a beautiful entry way.

Sanïa Spiri is a Documentary Photographer based in Hyogo, Japan.
For any inquiries please fill up the contact form here.


Stephanie and Benji